In effort to show travelers a different side of Japan, we collaborated with Marugoto Rikuzentakata (Marugoto), an NPO based in Rikuzentakata, Iwate to put together an excursion in which local residents can share their local dishes, homes, and heritage with you. With Marugoto, we produced a community-driven and sustainable mode for traveling, where both the traveler and residents benefits from the exchange.
Rikuzentakata, a quiet coastal town not known to many, was put on the map after the March 11th, 2011 tsunami. 7 years later, leaving very little trace of the place it once was, reconstruction still takes place. As Rikuzentakata opens its next chapter by reviving its town, it continues to create new ways for travelers to explore the Takata region. From fresh seafood to traditional Japanese carpentry, Rikuzentakata possesses endless charms of countryside living and has never been more ready to share that with the global community.