Tokyo | Shinobue Bamboo Flute Masterclass

Tokyo | Shinobue Bamboo Flute Masterclass
[Private Experience]
$340 USD per person
Please make your booking at least 7 days in advance.
Hear the sound of Japan's musical heritage at the workshop of a master craftsman
Private Experience
Location: Ota City, Tokyo
90 minutes
5 people max. Minimum 2 participants, solo guests may book at the price of 2 participants
Offered in Japanese, with a friendly Deeper Japan guide interpreting in English
(French/German interpretation may be available upon request)
Hitting Every Note
Whether woven into the ensemble of Noh Theater or creating the soundscape of countless regional matsuri festivals, the shinobue bamboo flute carries the sound of centuries of Japanese cultural and artistic traditions. An integral component of performing arts, religious rituals, and cultural gatherings, the shinobue has a high-pitched sound, is capable of being tuned to a variety of scales, and possesses a staggering variance in form and output, with each region producing its own unique style of instrument. However, to construct the shinobue, a specific species of bamboo must be used to provide appropriate strength and straightness. After maturing for 8 years, the entire field of bamboo must be harvested all at once. Immediate imperfections are corrected before the cut bamboo has to sit for 3 years, in order to fully dry and harden. Following this arduous process, the craftsman must then carefully shape and shave the bamboo until the perfect pitch is achieved. The interior is coated with urushi lacquer in order to both protect against moisture and create a smooth, hard surface for the sound to reverb against, before then being tuned again to match the individual customers. Throughout this, the role of the artisan is integral in order to create a product that is durable, suitable for the client, and correctly tuned. Visit the studio of a shinobue bamboo flute craftsman and see for yourself the painstaking process of crafting the traditional sound of Japan.
What you’ll do
Immerse into the music of Japan's culture and heritage at this shinobue workshop. Observe the master artisan compelee different stages of the crafting process, and listen to him perform using a wide array of the different shinobue flutes in his collection.
Who can attend
Children must be 10+
Monday and Tuesday
Session 1 (13:30 - 15:00)
Session 2 (16:00 - 17:30)
30 minutes from Tokyo station by car
Cancellation Policy
Please make your booking at least 7 days in advance. See cancellation policy here.
* A detailed itinerary will be emailed to you once your booking has been confirmed.