First Name
Last Name
Total Number of Guests
Tour Transportion
Please select what forms of transportation you'd like included on your tour, if applicable.
Public transportation
I already have private transportation arranged (with space available for the guide)
I'd like to arrange private transportation with Deeper Japan
Would you like the tour to start or end at a specific location (such as your hotel)?
No, the tour can start or end anywhere.
Yes, start at my hotel.
Yes, end at my hotel.
Yes, start and end at my area of choice.
If you'd like the tour to start or end at a specific location, such as your hotel, please input the name and location below.
Have you visited Japan before?
No, this is my first time.
Yes, but only for business with little time to explore.
Yes, I’ve been multiple times and want a deeper dive into a new area.
Do you want to incorporate food on the tour?
Yes, but only light snacks and street food, not sit down restaurants.
Yes, I’d like to include breakfast/lunch/dinner during the tour.
If you want to include food, please list any allergies or dietary restrictions of ALL travelers attending.
What subjects are you interested in exploring on your private guided tour?
Please select all that apply.
Cultural Experiences
Neighborhood Guide
Are there any areas or activities you’d like to avoid, either because you don’t have interest or you’ve already visited them before?
How did you hear about Deeper Japan?
Anything else you'd like us to know?